Sunday, April 12, 2009

ideas for the video

Right now, I'm thinking my video will have a lot of the ideas presented in text format, with some images interwoven. I would like to focus on the word "flattered" and make connections from there, but keep coming back to it throughout the video.

Here's the order of ideas I'm looking at right now...

We crave attention.
The media gives us attention.
We feel flattered, special.
We like it and want more.
We make choices to maximize the flattery.
Our choices consume our identity.
Our identity becomes our choices.
Our choices become our attitude.
We become self-centered in maintaining our identity.
We lose the capacity to connect with others.
But are we also losing our "self"?

I'm still thinking about how all this will fit with images and whatnot...And how the discussion we had about whether there is a "true self" fits in...but that's what I've got so far!!